VP of Operations Jaime Marujo Looks Back on 20 Years at CES
Recently commemorating 20 years with City Electric Supply (CES), Vice President of Operations Jaime Marujo reflects on his career and journey with the electrical wholesale company.
Coming of Age
Raised in a traditional Portuguese family in the working-class town of New Bedford, Massachusetts, City Electric Supply (CES) Vice President of Operations Jaime Marujo was instilled with family values that centered on dedication and ambition.
“Growing up, our neighborhood wasn’t the best,” said Marujo. “My family didn’t have much, but my parents worked hard to give us what they could. We had great family values, and my parents always supported my brother and me. I knew from an early age that hard work would get me far in life.”
Jaime brought that mindset with him when he began joining extracurricular activities.
“Me and my older brother were encouraged by our parents to participate in sports, which helped us stay out of trouble and meet other kids from across town.”
And playing sports also taught Jaime how to persevere through adversity.
“Playing baseball from little league through high school cultivated a competitive drive in me to be the best no matter the challenges I faced,” added Marujo.
As he continued to stay active well into high school, Jaime soon discovered his true calling.

Entering the Electrical Industry
Nearly 30 years ago, Jaime started in the electrical industry during his senior year of high school.
“I was part of a co-op program where shop students were recruited for local jobs around the area. It was something to get my feet wet.”
Entering the industry was a no-brainer for Jaime since his older brother was also in the electrical field.
“My brother is an electrician by trade and works in a major automation facility as an engineer.”
Jaime quickly discovered he could make a good living working in the trades.
“It was something I was familiar with, and I realized I could do this for the rest of my life.”
Right after graduating high school, Jaime took steps to solidify his career.
“I went to trade school to become an electrician. Then, I got a position at a local distributor, and that’s how my career started.”
Joining CES
Never one to settle, Jaime’s competitive spirit and ambitious nature would draw him to another electrical wholesale company a few years later.
“When I heard about CES, I liked their model in terms of ‘you eat what you catch’ when running your own branch. I also learned that employees made the daily business decisions.”
“I was on board,” he said. “At only 26 years old, it was a life-changing opportunity for me.”
In 2002, Jaime Marujo officially joined City Electric Supply as a branch manager at CES New Bedford. But, of course, he didn’t stop there.
“I was branch manager for six years. Then I became a district manager of the Boston market in 2008.”
As Jaime Marujo rose through the ranks, he always remembered one thing.
“There’s not a lot of organizations that would’ve allowed someone like me, who didn’t have a lot of opportunities growing up, to be in the leadership position I’m in.”
And Jaime reminded himself to always return the favor.
“Just this year, I’ve promoted two employees to district manager and created two new districts.”

Continuing to Rise
In 2014, Jaime Marujo moved up to regional manager. And three years later, he became vice president of operations. Even though his hard work and determination continue to bring Jaime great success, he doesn’t consider those the only reasons why he is where he is today.
“I’m a bit of an old soul. I’m a big relationship guy and all about communicating with people and treating them the way I would want to be treated. And just overall providing quality customer service.”
As a leader who understands how people are the foundation of a company’s success, to Jaime, it’s ultimately about getting the chance to prove yourself.
“Giving them the opportunity to grow could be as life-changing for my branch employees as it was for me. If they’re successful, then I’m successful. But it’s not about me; it’s about them.”