EPISODE 69 | Our Customers’ Impact, One Project at a Time
City Electric Supply (CES) has long been committed to serving the communities that we’re in, and the phrase “like attracts like” is on full display here. Our customers blow us away with the projects they volunteer their time, products, and skills for. There are countless examples, and below are just a few that we’ve compiled to illustrate the impact that skilled trades can have on communities in need.

Invictus Academy
Invictus Academy Tampa Bay is a non-profit school in Florida that specializes in educating non-speaking or unreliably speaking students. When CES Outsides Salesman Bob Schultz learned that Invictus Academy was unable to pay for much-needed lighting upgrades, he shared his concerns with Nick Ellis, head electrician for Duckworth Steel Boats.
“Bob came to me, and he wasn’t his normal, cheerful self. He told me about the school needing new lights, so I said, ‘Well, if you guys can get some donations for the lights, I’ll help you put them in. I’ll be your first volunteer,” recalled Ellis.
With that, the ball officially started rolling. CES and Keystone Technologies donated the lights, and Schultz and Ellis donated their time and industry skills. The installation took nearly 17 hours (in one day!), and the effect was well worth it.
“When we walked out of that parking lot, it was a great feeling,” said Schultz. “This formed a bond between me and my customer that will never be broken.”
“When we finished, I was very satisfied,” said Ellis. “It’s important to get out there when you can and give back.”

Tommy’s Place
Another project helped by CES customers is Tommy’s Place, a free dream vacation home in Falmouth, Massachusetts, for children and their families fighting cancer. “Tommy’s Place is a home away from home for these families,” said Tim O’Connell, founder of Tommy’s Place. “It’s a place where kids can just be kids, and families can come together without worrying about treatments and hospital bills during such a trying time.”
The 7,000-square-foot home was built in the 1800s and needed lots of work before hosting these families in need — including electrical work, plumbing, HVAC, and more.
In search of help, O’Connell posted his project to Facebook; the response was overwhelming.
“I saw that Tommy’s Place was in need of an electrician. I wasn’t familiar with the project at the time, but after seeing what it was for, I knew it was definitely something we wanted to be a part of,” recalled President and Founder of Coastal Electric Pat Daly.
Coastal Electric had no problems rallying the (electrical) troops for the cause. Daly contacted his local CES Weymouth branch, which donated rough-in materials, and the labor came quickly after. Ten electricians volunteered the first weekend, followed by 15 the weekend after.
“It’s been this huge local movement in the community and in the trades,” said O’Connell. “All the hard work and donations — it’s not lost on me. People just keep coming, and it never stops.”

Plus, many more
Invictus Academy and Tommy’s Place are just two of many stories about CES customers using their industry skills to give back. Whether donating materials or time, City Electric Supply branches have worked hand in hand with customers to contribute to local projects for which they’re uniquely equipped.
Keith Phillips of CES Alabaster had the full support — and freely given time and tools — of his customers to renovate a local school’s softball field. Christopher Keen of CES Indianapolis South learned of Area 31 and Indy Gateway’s collaboration through customer Sergeant Bentley, and has been providing materials for their affordable housing builds ever since. Plus, contractor Chad Haines looped in Jason Moser of CES Martinsburg to provide materials needed to outfit a child’s home for his return from the hospital.
The spark to give back is one that City Electric Supply is proud to share with our customers and we’ll continue to collaborate with skilled trade workers to support local communities — one project at a time.