Non-Profit Receives Donation from Local CES Branch
For 130 years, local organization Connie Maxwell Children’s Ministries has assisted and homed disadvantaged children in South Carolina.
“Our headquarters is located in Greenwood, South Carolina, but we have five campuses across the entire state,” said Sheila Price, Vice President of Communications for Connie Maxwell Children’s Ministries.

About the Organization
The organization provides residential care, family care, foster care, and crisis care for families in need.
“We serve children whose parents or guardians are unable to care for them, whether it’s due to illness, financial strife — anything that drastically affects a child’s living situation with their parents or guardians,” Price explained.
Connie Maxwell Children’s Ministries campus in Greenwood. It covers 60 acres with multiple cottages on-site and provides a safe, stable Christian environment for children live.
Through one of the volunteers of Connie Maxwell, a local supply store came into the picture to make a big impact on the organization.

CES Rock Hill Steps Up
When some of the cottages needed upgrades to their indoor lighting, City Electric Supply (CES) Rock Hill stepped in to offer the supplies.
“One of my customers, who attends a local church in Fort Mill, South Carolina, volunteers at the organization. That’s when I first learned about Connie Maxwell Children’s Ministries,” said Branch Manager Eric Morgan.
Within a couple of weeks, Eric and District Manager Shawn Odom met up with the customer and other volunteers to figure out exactly what was needed for the upgrades to collect and donate the necessary supplies required for the project.
“A team of us went over to the Connie Maxwell campus and flipped the house in one week,” said Jason Shope, Owner of Shope Automotive.
Once it was established what was needed for the project, the CES Rock Hill branch donated electrical supplies like switches, GFCIs, receptacles, and other items.
“We brought around $1,000 in supply products while the volunteers installed them,” Morgan added.
Not only were new lights installed, but the entire facility also got renovated thanks to the help of volunteers.
“We got all the electrical systems upgraded thanks to the donated supplies from CES, but we also painted the inside, put down new floors, and even updated a few other fixtures,” Jason added.
And Connie Maxwell Children’s Industries greatly appreciated the contribution from CES Rock Hill and the volunteers.
“With the state of the current economy and being a non-profit organization, donations received from CES and the work from our volunteers are essential to keeping our operations running to give comfort and stability for the 100+ kids living on our campus at any given time,” said Price.

A Greater Goal
And not only does Connie Maxwell Children’s Ministries want to help take care of children, but they also work hard to reunite those with their families, coordinate foster families or adoption.
“Our ultimate goal is to reunite the families. Price explained.
Another goal of the organization is to build a Healing Center on campus. “The need for a Healing Center is a physical embodiment of Connie Maxwell’s commitment to becoming a leader in understanding trauma and mental health on a deeper level,” shared Price.
Developing the Healing Center will allow Connie Maxwell to better collaborate with other partners in understanding trauma and mental health on a deeper level through research, education, and implementation of best practices.
“Connie Maxwell is entering into year three of our Decade of Dreams campaign where every gift is helping us take care of vulnerable children and allow them to dare to dream about their futures,” added Price.
And with continued support from branches like CES Rock Hill, Connie Maxwell Children’s Ministries can keep fulfilling its mission of helping and healing families.
“It feels great to be able to give back and help make these children’s lives better,” said Morgan.