CES Prepares to Support Drastic Solar Changes in U.S.
The current administration released a plan for the U.S. to produce 50% of its electricity from the sun by 2050. For this change to happen, the country will need to double the amount of solar energy installed every year for the next four years. And then, the U.S. will need to double it again before 2030.
“In essence, the D.O.E. is saying America needs a ton more solar, not less, and we need it today, not tomorrow,” said Bernadette Del Chiaro, Executive Director of the California Solar and Storage Association.

The administration’s goals rely on increased solar and solar battery storage work. Additionally, the administration announced that by 2030, half of all new cars sold should be electric. Both of these changes will impact the construction industry by increasing the need for solar work and infrastructure that supports electric vehicles.
CES Expands Solar Resources
But there’s good news for contractors. City Electric Supply (CES) is already prepared for these solar changes. How? Through their recently expanded Renewable Energies division. The division has three parts to support customers with solar work in utility-scale; residential/commercial and industrial; and electric vehicle verticals.
Not only does the division supply solar products, but it also helps with energy plan development, project management, software support, and more. To summarize, CES is prepared to meet any solar needs customers might have.
CES Prepares for Solar Supply Chain Changes
And while more solar work might also affect the supply chain, CES is confident they will be able to support contractors regardless.
“CES always tries to be one step ahead of supply chain challenges to ensure a steady supply of equipment rolling in at all times,” said CES National Renewable Business Development Manager Robbie McNamara. “We utilize our strategic sales force and operations teams so that we can stay on top of current trends and delays in the supply chain, inform our clientele of them, and work on solidifying forecasts with clients and manufacturers, which enables CES to be prepared for challenges in product access or pricing.”

We might not be able to predict the future as the country decarbonizes the power grid. But we can tell you that CES is in a good place to support contractor needs.
Want to learn more about how we can help with your next solar project? Just check out the resources below.
- To learn more about the Renewables division resources, visit CityElectricSupply.com/Renewables
- For utility-scale solar work resources, contact UtilityRenewableSales@cityelectricsupply.com
- To learn more about residential solar work resources, contact RES-Sales@cityelectricsupply.com
- For electric vehicle work resources, contact EVSolutions@cityelectricsupply.com