Generational Strides at CES

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We last heard from Branch Manager Peter Pardue during City Electric Supply (CES) Cape Coral’s 25thanniversary celebration featured on episode 53 of CEStv.

“I started at City Electric Supply in 1992 as an operations manager at the Port St. Lucie, Florida location. We opened that branch in a brand-new building at a brand-new location. We made it one of the most successful branches in the company at the time,” said Peter Pardue.

But Peter wasn’t the only Pardue to kick off his career and make strides at CES.

“Shortly thereafter, my youngest son Adam entered the company’s management program and began working at the Port St. Lucie and Stuart locations,” added Peter.

A family affair

Adam was always interested in learning more about the industry.  

“He would come to work with me after school and on the weekends, and he discovered a career he could enjoy,” said Peter.

It isn’t unheard of for family members to work side-by-side at the same branch. CES doesn’t just pride itself as a family-owned business — it also thrives on family values, and what better way to bring that element into the workplace than with a father-son duo!

In 1997, Peter and his wife moved to Bradenton, where he began working at CES Bradenton.

 “Adam followed me there three years later to become my operations manager since he had learned much while working at CES Stuart,” Peter recalled. “Adam and I had a goal while we were in Bradenton. We knew we had to keep family and business separate while at work. We had plenty of time after work for family, which we both felt was very important.  We knew what to expect from one another, and we learned more about each other in our time working together.”

Making moves…lots of them

Not long after Adam transferred to the Bradenton location, he was appointed the branch manager of CES Venice

In 2006, Peter moved to Georgia to work at the La Grange branch, then the Peachtree City branch, then the Columbus GA branch, while Adam went on to lead CES Cape Coral.

Four years later, Peter and his wife moved back to Florida, and he became Adam’s operations manager.

As Adam’s former branch manager now in his previous role as operations manager, it was smooth sailing for Peter Pardue working for his son.

“We had a great working relationship since we both had a lot of experience in our roles and had previously worked together at other branches,” Peter recalled.

Coming into the fold

Peter’s son Adam was on the move once again when he was assigned to lead the grand re-opening of the Port Charlotte location where another generation of the Pardue family came into the fold.

“Gregg, Adam’s oldest son, came aboard to work for his father, working part-time in the warehouse. All three of us never got the chance to work at the same branch, but at our family gatherings, we always had conversations about work,” said Peter.

Currently, Adam works at CES Springfield MO as an operations manager, and Gregg has finished college and joined the Marine Reserves.

“I don’t really have words to describe the pride I feel for my son and grandson and the careers they are pursuing,” Peter added. “While working at the Springfield MO branch, Adam and his wife have answered the call to become Missionaries, and Gregg has earned his degree in marketing and continues to advance in the Marine Corp Reserves.”

We can’t wait for what more life has in store for the Pardue family at CES and beyond!

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