Episode 71 | Wishes Come True

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Make-A-Wish® has been giving sparks of strength and hope to children living with critical illnesses since 1980. Through the support of volunteers, donors, and partners like City Electric Supply (CES), a wish in the U.S. is granted every 33 minutes.

Among thousands of wish stories are those of wish kids Paxton, Harper, and Quinn. While they have never met, they have two distinct things in common: they were diagnosed with a critical illness and had a wish granted by Make-A-Wish.

The work behind the wish

“A child is referred to Make-A-Wish either through a medical provider, family, or friend, and then they’re onboarded into our system,” explained Make-A-Wish Southern Florida Development Manager Kevin Fantis. “As soon as a doctor verifies the child is okay to receive the wish, our volunteer wish granters get to work on finding the perfect wish for the child and the best details to make it come true to the child’s wildest imagination.”

Meanwhile, community members and partners like CES are hard at work to help bring these wishes to life.

“Our teams get involved with almost every event that we put together,” said CES Senior Regional Manager Mike Bertone. “A really special one this year was our fishing tournament. We had about 100 customers and team members show up and we raised over $40,000.”

All that work adds up, as was reported at Quinn’s wish reveal in July 2024.

“Since the beginning of our North American partnership, CES has raised over $1 million — all thanks to the hard work and generosity of employees, leadership, and branches,” shared CES Social Impact Manager Karen Gray.

The impact

Research shows that granting wishes has a profound impact on recipients. Doctors report that wishes help relieve families from traumatic stress, and 87% of wish kids recognize their wish as a turning point in their treatment.

“Wish grants are just wonderful. Delivering a wish is so special for us; as many as we do, each one is unique,” said Make-A-Wish Southern Florida Vice President of Mission Delivery Karen Mullins.

“Wishes help kids think about a world that’s better than what they’re going through right now. It gives them hope and strength and allows them to imagine a world that can be. That’s really what the magic of Make-A-Wish is all about,” said Make-A-Wish Chief Revenue Officer Jared Perry.

Granting three wishes

By partnering with Make-A-Wish, CES is proud to have funded many wishes and played a big part in granting the wishes of three children: Harper, Paxton, and Quinn.

Harper, an 11-year-old in remission from a brain cancer called medulloblastoma, had long dreamed of visiting Alaska. In 2022, she received her wish.

Paxton, a nine-year-old living with cystic fibrosis, wished to see snow for the first time. In 2023, her wish was granted when her family traveled to Vermont for an unforgettable experience.

Quinn, an eight-year-old also diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, loves to go camping in the great outdoors. In 2024, his wish for a new camper was made a reality (and on his birthday, too!).

Harper’s mom said it best when she shared the difference a wish can make for a family.

“One of our biggest things that we say is, ‘You’re never alone. You’re not going to fight alone.’ A wish grant reiterates that and makes you feel like you’re not alone,” she said. “For City Electric Supply to help make that time and those memories with their family possible — that means everything.”

To learn more about the CES partnership with Make-A-Wish and to make a donation to help grant even more wishes, visit cityelectricsupply.com/make-a-wish.

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