CES Marion Outside Sales Rep Sells Wooden Art For Make-A-Wish®
“I knew most of the guys coming into the branch didn’t want to just donate. So, I figured I would give them something in return for their donation to Make-A-Wish®,” said CES Marion Outside Sales Representative Ben Wright.
When CES Cares announced the $500 Make-A-Wish® Challenge, Wright knew he wanted to do something to show his support. That is when he had an idea.
Wright’s Great Idea
“I started woodturning in December when my wife bought me some of the items, and it has become a hobby of mine since then,” said Wright.
His hobby even became a talking point at the branch. Every customer who comes through the door passes a table full of flyers, Make-A-Wish® donation details, and Wright’s woodwork.
“Customers look at the wooden bowls and boxes I have built on display and talk about what they would use them for,” said Wright.
Over the last two months, Wright has had a few customers come in to make donations and take a wooden box or bowl home.
“We have raised about $200 since I started doing this, and it has made me feel like I am making a difference already.”
Ben also said this would not be possible without one of their customers in particular.
Northwest Hardwoods Donates Wood
“Johnny Christopher from Northwest Hardwoods in Marion has been a huge help in raising money. The management at Northwest Hardwoods has donated over $100 and countless pieces of exotic hardwood to help me create more wooden pieces to donate,” said Wright. “With their help, I have been able to make more and more items to give to people who donate to the Make-A-Wish® Foundation.”
Northwest Hardwood has been a customer of his for a few years, and Wright feels lucky to have them as an account at their branch.
“As a salesman, they are great to work with, and as a woodturner, I couldn’t ask for a better group of friends who support me and my hobbies,” said Wright.
Christopher even donated a piece of wood to Ben for him to craft and raffle off when he finishes it.
“I have been putting a lot of time into this piece. I still have a lot of work to put into it,” said Wright. “I’m adding resin and LEDs to make it truly unique.”
On top of the donations and pieces for sale in the branch, Wright is hoping to set up outside of the branch on a Saturday and design more bowls and magic, wish-granting wands to donate to people who stop by.
It Is About the Kids
For Wright, this challenge isn’t just about raising money, it is about helping kids who are going through a hard time.
“I don’t have any kids, but I can’t imagine if I had a kid and they were diagnosed with a serious health issue,” said Wright. “Being partnered with Make-A-Wish®, donating money to them, and knowing I can be a part of making a kid’s dream come true, one that they will remember forever, makes all the difference to me.”
Wright is a big believer in giving back and making the world a better place whenever he can.
“It isn’t hurting me to do what I love and use that to make donations,” said Wright. “It is the least I can do to support others.”
Wright isn’t going to stop woodworking any time soon. He is going to keep doing this until the end of the challenge in November and maybe even after the challenge ends. Keep up the great work!