Pier 202 will stand 24 stories tall. It will have a sky bridge connecting two high-rise, mixed-use buildings. It’ll feature ground-level retail, fine dining, Class A offices. And above it all, in the scenic, walkable, waterfront district of Tempe Town Lake, there will be apartments with floor-to-ceiling glass windows in Tempe’s largest high-rises. It’s one of the biggest developments to ever hit Tempe, and CES Chandler is helping to supply it.
“There’s nothing like this in Tempe. Nothing even close,” said Outside Sales Representative Scotty Evans. “It’ll be the highest-standing building in the city.”

Evans isn’t just the one who worked with the Developer Mr. Rob Fransway to secure the project for CES Chandler. He’s also the one helping put together all of the proposals and quotes. He even helped connect Mr. Farnsway with G4 Electric, the electrical contractor responsible for the entire electrical side of the development.
So far, Evans has submitted proposals for the gear and transformers. Soon, more quotes will be on the way with everything from the wire to even the solar panels that will be installed on the roof. As of now, a lot of manufacturers close to City Electric Supply are already involved in putting different parts of the project together, including CME Wire, Siemens, Centaur, and TAMCO.
Today, Scotty says he’s working very closely with the developer to help make this massive project a reality for the city and community that heavily supports it.
“I’m usually out there at least once or twice a week to keep tabs on the development and see if there’s anything I can help with. The underground garage is making progress, the support is all there, so it won’t be long before they start going vertical.”
It’s All Up From Here for Pier 202
Once Pier 202 goes vertical, it’s going to be a huge relief. It’s been a long time coming ever since its original proposal for a different development was approved all the way back in 2007. However, with the recession and several setbacks, it never reached construction. For nearly a decade, pits from the job site remained, even though roads and streetlights were already finished. Now with Mr. Fransway and Springbrook Development behind the project, it’s moving pretty quickly.
“Right now, we’re still putting together a lot of the quotes and proposals,” Evans said, “but we’re making some headway. Siemens is going to be used for the gear. It’s still a work-in-progress on a lot of fronts, but as construction continues and they start going vertical, it’s going to move fast.”

And it’s easy to say that Tempe is ready for it to come to life. Tempe Town Lake has been a huge investment opportunity for developers. It’s brought in nearly 40,000 jobs since 2000, and it’s expected to bring even more.
“Beneath the apartments will be about several shops and a restaurant accessible on the ground level. It will also add more luxury living spaces for a growing city. A lot of people already visit Town Lake, this will just bring even more people to the area. In a couple years, when Pier 202 is finally wrapped up, it’s going to be a really great development for Tempe.”
For Evans, one of the most rewarding parts of securing the Pier 202 development hasn’t been his heavy involvement in supplying the project, but rather the history he has with G4 Electric and how he was able to connect them with this project.
“G4 Electric and I go back,” Evans said. “Since we first met in 2016, we’ve worked together quite a bit. They’re just good, family-minded people who do what they say they’re going to do. All I did was introduce them to Mr. Fransway, and they handled the rest.”
For G4 Electric, this could lead to many opportunities for them down the road, almost literally, as more and more developments begin construction in the surrounding area.
“I can’t wait to watch them grow like they’ve never grown before,” Evans said. “Once they’re done with Pier 202, G4 Electric is going to be a powerhouse. No one will be able to touch them.”
“What One Man Can Do, So Can Another.”
For G4 Electric, this marks a huge opportunity for the family-owned business. Being able to work on one of the largest developments in Tempe means that they’ll have a chance to secure more development jobs, especially with all the residential and mixed-use construction popping up so close to Pier 202.
However, at the end of the day, John Gosney Jr. and his son John III, the owners of G4 Electric, are just excited to take on this new opportunity.
“It’s not easy running an electrical construction company,” Gosney Jr. said. “Being able to work on Pier 202 brings a lot of validation to our hard work over the years. It shows that someone is recognizing what we’re doing, and we’re happy that Scotty introduced us to Mr. Fransway and helped us get the ball rolling.”
“This will be the first job of its kind for us, but I’ve always been a firm believer in this: what one man can do, so can another. We’re just going to take it one day at a time, and soon, we’ll be looking back at the tallest towers in Tempe.”
But before they can look back, G4 Electric is eager to look ahead and get started on this massive project.

“On a job like this, you have to be ready to act and react quickly. We like to be proactive, but it’s a pretty fluid project. Everything looks perfect on paper. But as soon as you go 3D with it, you have to be a little more flexible. We’re working right alongside the surveyor, the pool contractor, energy management, and utilities. Anything can change on any given day, but you just have to adapt.”
In addition to the usual day-to-day changes that can happen on a job site, Gosney is also looking forward to even more challenges that can come from working on two buildings that are predominately concrete and rebar.
“This development is a little tricky,” he said. “It’s all concrete: concrete floors, concrete ceilings. When you’re doing electrical work and you’re working right alongside the guys pouring concrete and going floor by floor, you have to be pretty close to exact. We’re right there with the surveyors who are marking where we need to run conduit, pipes, lighting boxes, floor boxes, and bus ducts. You don’t have as much flexibility to rework something if it’s not right.”
But even though this is proving to be quite the challenge, Gosney and his G4 Electric team are looking forward. That includes the many opportunities that could come from their close relationship with CES Chandler.
“I’ve been in the business for 45 years and worked with just about every wholesaler that’s out there. I don’t know that I’ve ever had a relationship quite like the one we have with Scotty and City Electric Supply. CES Chandler has one great group of guys. We have a lot of trust in one another especially on a large project like this. They’re our main supplier for a reason.”
As for Pier 202, this groundbreaking development is going to mark an important point in the history of Tempe Town Lake.
“Of course, it’s still a work in progress on a lot of fronts, but it’s all coming together,” said Evans. “It’s just great to be a part of this and to have a helping hand in it. Tempe is ready to have Pier 202 completed. And the community couldn’t be more excited for what it will bring to the city.”